segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

deck Infernity


Dark grepher x1

Infernity archer x1
Infernity Archfiend x3
Infernity Avenger x1
Infernity Beetle x3
Infernity Destroyer x1
Infernity general x1
Infernity Mirage x2
Infernity necromancer x3
Plaguespreader Zombie x1
Stygian Street Patrol x2


Dark hole x1

Foolish Burial x1
Heavy storm x1
Infernity Launcher x1
Magical Stone Excavation x1
Mystical space typhoon x3
One for One x1
Pot of Avarice x1


Solemn warning x2

Infernity barrier x3
Infernity force x1
Infernity inferno x2
Mirror force x1
Torrential Tribute x2

Extra deck

Ally of justice catastor x1

Brionac, Dragon of the ice barrier x1
Gaia knight, the force of earth x1
Hundred eyes dragon x1
Infernity doom dragon x1
Mist wurm x2
Red dragon archfiend x1
Red nova dragon x1
Stygian sergeants x1
Void ogre dragon x3
Number 39: Utopia x1

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