Deck de junk synchron 40 cards
junk blade x2
junk defender x2
junk forward x2
junk synchron x3
level eater x2
quickdraw synchron x3
quillbolt hedgehong x3
synchron explorer x3
tuningware x2
dark hole x1
mind control x1
monster reborn x1
mystical space typhoon x2
pot of avarice x1
reinforcement of the ammy x1
scapegoat x1
turning x3
bottomless trap hole x2
cal of the haunted x1
dimensional prison x1
mirror force x1
scrap-iron scarecrow x1
torrential tribute
extra deck (15)
armory arm x2
junk archer x2
junk destroyer x3
junk gardna x3
junk warrior x3
nitro warrior x2
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